'Tis the Season

It is upon us once again, the holiday season. <dundundun> Faux garlands tangle doorways and restaurant patios, asbestos dust "frosts" windows, white plexiglass "snow" lines window sills, and The Nutcracker Suite score plus any of its remixes play on repeat in every department store. <blegh!> Sorry, I had a hairball. But none of this is a real surprise, however, as the Christmas decor has been slowly creeping into sight in the stores since mid-August. Starting January 1 our culture has us accustomed to counting down the days until that year's Christmas, 358 days later. #gross Whatever happened to recognizing Decorative Gourd Season?! I love that time of year... <sigh>

In all seriousness, though, I do love this time of year. Despite my appropriate level of disgust for the pushing of the next major "holiday" two months before it's even close to necessary to think about, most people around the holiday season take a little extra time to give, and it's usually those who can barely financially give to themselves. And that warms my soul like enjoying the first hot toddy of a pre-snowpocalypse. 

But that brings me to what I really want to write about: self-care. Our society has drilled into us that giving to the less fortunate, putting our needs aside, camping out side of stores at 2am on Black Friday to beat the person sitting next to you to the best discounted TV, is the most important at this time of year. I want you to consider this year, how you can find balance between serving others, giving to others, and also taking care of yourself inside and out. While dabbled with pretty things and waves of positive feelings, the holidays are also tainted by the stresses of: hosting, in-laws, cooking, gifting, traveling, reminders of those passed who are no longer able to be with us, sickness, weather... just to name a few. This time of year requires the most multi-tasking, the most awareness, the most time (which is already stretched thin). Maybe instead of shopping at 2am after over-eating and probably over-drinking, sleep in and enjoy Thanksgiving leftovers from your couch and go on a Netflix binge. Or if you have a real job that doesn't recognize Black Friday as a holiday, as they shouldn't, I would say feel eternally grateful that you're not out in the masses adding to the unnecessary chaos that would without a doubt ruin all of the good feels you acquired from last night's epic meal. 

And so you plea, but Jessica, I don't know what to do for myself! Where do I start? Well, I can't tell you that. What I can tell you is find ways, and it doesn't have to be obvious to anyone else but you, to do something nice for yourself once a week, or more if you can. Get a massage (duh, but I'm biased), buy a nice bottle of wine, sleep in and go out to get coffee if that's not something you do often, try a Yin yoga class, commit to a fitness program that will last the four weeks in-between Thanksgiving and Christmas and keep you motivated. It doesn't matter what it is as long as it makes you feel good. But Jessica, all of these things cost money! And so does buying gifts for people that they may or may not use (unless you're buying a massage gift certificate, everyone loves and uses those :) haha). If you can afford to make a gift list for your friends and family, you can definitely, definitely, definitely, afford to put yourself at the top of that list. Re-appropriate some funds and look at your time management and I know that you'll be able to pen, not pencil, yourself back into your life. 


#StressLess #TisTheSeason #GrumpyBugger